Saturday, January 16, 2010

Moist Heat Packs What Is The Best Way To Reduce Swelling After Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

What is the best way to reduce swelling after wisdom tooth extraction? - moist heat packs

I have my four wisdom teeth removed Monday.
Now I am like a squirrel!
I really need to go back to normal on Sunday. I applied ice to the first 24 hours I'll eat soft foods, I am clear, and I take all my antibiotics.
So now what?
I do all that moist heat, warm, damp cloth, as proposed by my dentist.
More tips for the abolition of this nightmare toothache swollen?


smile momma said...

ice cold is best for the swelling ibuprofen for inflammation of the muscles of the jaw to take and take as directed by a couple of days, if your power. No rinsing. This can cause bleeding to stop smoking, make it worse. N fork to get his flight in the vicinity of their cheeks and a little massage circulation.
Good luck ...

(: said...

Ice! I had the same problem as you. was horrible and funny at the same time. You will be better after a week. I promise. the use of rags and attention has been whether the ice has proposed, has been paid. a little ice, as some do not. that the use of drugs has been and will do. do not worry!

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